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Knee & Hip

Knee and hip pain are among the most common diagnoses we treat.

We can help.

Ask yourself...

  • Have I had pain in my knee or hip for weeks, months, or years?

  • Is it difficult to go upstairs or rise from a chair?

  • Does my knee or leg buck or hurt when I walk or stand?

  • Do I avoid lying on my side due to hip pain?

  • Do I limp or waddle because of discomfort in my hips or knees?


If one or more of these symptoms describe your situation; don't worry.


One of our doctors of physical therapy will assess your condition and discuss the likely causes with you. You'll be set up with an individualized treatment plan designed to deliver results you can feel.


Request an appointment, and let's get your pain taken care of. No referral is needed.


We treat: ACL, Meniscus, strain, Patellar Tendonitis, Osgood- Schlatter’s Disease, Bursitis, Patellofemerol Syndrome, Chondromalacia Patella, Osteoarthritis, Total Knee Replacement, Total Hip Replacement, ITB (Iliotibial Band Syndrome), Hip Labral Injuries, Hip Impingement (Femoroacetabular Impingement),  Hip Flexor Strain



I was having issues with pain in my hip and back for several months. It was recommended to me that I try physical therapy, and I am so glad I did. 
Cole and Travis have been very good at working with me to get major relief. I appreciate their knowledge and personality and professionality. Thank you for the pain relief I am now experiencing.


"I had total knee replacement on my right knee. Without PT I don't know where I would have been. I am now almost pain-free and can do most things I want. Joel and Eric were the best. They encourage you all the way through.

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Before I started therapy, I was having knee pains, and it would hurt to run, jump, walk, and stand. It was very challenging to get through the school day on these days. With only a few months of therapy, only going one or two days a week, I feel so much better, and I don't feel any more pain. I can now continue with my sports after school without pain.

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